Friday, July 27, 2018

15 Tips for a Better You

So many tips, so little time! In this world of health and wellness, the suggestions on what to do and how to do it are overwhelming. I've compiled a list of my favorites, which include some health, fitness, and overall lifestyle tips. If you are interested, keep reading for 15 tips for a better you.

  1. Don't snooze your alarm. Get up when you wake up. 
  2. Make your bed every morning. Studies show individuals who make their bed every day lead more productive lives than those who don't. 
  3. Limit your liquid calories. They add up! 
  4. Drink more water. (Divide your body weight in half for the number of ounces you should consume each day.)
  5. Limit your refined sugar intake. (Think: prepackaged snacks, sugary coffees, cookies, cake.)
  6. Strength train approximately 3x per week. 
  7. Incorporate compound moves into your workouts to burn more calories. (Example: squat + overhead press.) 
  8. To prevent shin splints when running on a treadmill, raise the incline 1-2%.
  9. Be sure to stretch after your workouts to prevent injuries. If you are short on time, stretch in bed before you go to sleep. 
  10. Set short term, attainable goals to prevent discouragement. 
  11. Meditate for five minutes a day. Try this app if you are a beginner.
  12.  Don't cut whole food groups out, it is extremely hard to maintain. Instead, try limiting your portions.
  13. Don't obsess over the number on the scale. Instead, focus on how you look and feel. 
  14. Be sure to include protein in your post-workout meal. It promotes muscle growth. 
  15. Treat yourself. If you're craving a cookie, eat a cookie! Restricting yourself too much can lead to overindulging later on. 
Hopefully you learned from at least one, or all, of these tips. Small changes in your daily routine can produce substantial outcomes. Try to incorporate one or two of these tips into your day, and work your way up! 

Until next time,

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