Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Why I Like to Workout in the AM

Some people might be appalled at the idea of waking up before the sun rises and going for a run, but it’s what works for me. Granted there are definitely many some instances where I hit the snooze button and choose to sleep an extra hour, but I do thoroughly enjoy those days where I get my workout done work in the morning. This post is not to try to convince you to set your alarm for 6:00 AM and throw your running sneakers on for the rest of eternity, but just hear me out. Keep reading to see why I like working out in the morning.

It sets the tone for my day.

Wake up, workout, shower, and go. Working out first thing in the morning puts me on the right track, and actually helps me to be more productive throughout my day. I'm up early and I already crossed one thing off my checklist, which just fuels me to do more. I am more focused and driven when I get to school or work. If I workout in the morning, I'll also opt for healthier foods throughout the day. It allows me to start (and strive to finish) my day on a positive note.

It helps me feel refreshed early in the day.

There are some mornings where I wake up and contemplate if there is enough coffee in the world to fuel me to fully open my eyes. Working out in the morning gives me a boost of energy. Even if I didn't get much sleep the night before, once my workout is complete, I feel completely energized. I'll often opt out of my morning coffee on the days that I workout in the AM. 

"I'll do it later" usually translates to "I'm not going to do it." 

If I put something off, the odds that I actually do it are slim. By the time the day is over, I'm usually ready to unwind and relax. If I didn't already workout, it is highly unlikely that I do. Some people quite literally thrive in the nighttime, and make the bold trip to the gym past 10 pm. For me, I'd much rather end my day already having worked out. 

Although there are people who swear by their nighttime workouts, I enjoy working out in the morning. If you're at all intrigued, give it a try! You might end up agreeing with me.

Until next time, 

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