Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Lifting Weights IS Good for You: It’s Not Preference, It’s Science

Although there are many misconceptions about how to get in shape (hours of cardio, juice cleanses, diet pills) there is one method of exercise with proven health benefits: strength training. Some people are afraid of looking “bulky” if they start lifting weights, but the benefits are scientifically proven.  

Some people might be confused with what happens to your body when you lift weights. Simply put, strength training causes microscopic tears to form between the fiber and connective tissue of your muscles. This tear is not permanent; your muscles rebuild themselves post workout. Once they are restored, your muscles come back stronger than they were before. Now that the technical stuff is out of the way, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of lifting weights.  

Lifting weights speeds up your metabolism.

Once you gain muscle mass from strength training, your body’s resting metabolism will increase. Every pound of muscle on your body burns approximately six calories per day at rest, compared to two calories burned per one pound of fat. There is also an afterburn effect post workout, which means that your body continues to burn calories even after you finish your workout.

Lifting weights improves your posture, sleep, and mood.

Proper strength training can fix improper joint alignment by strengthening the muscles associated with posture, like your back, shoulders, and abdominals. Lifting weights also regulates bodily functions like glucose metabolism, hormone levels, and blood pressure, making it easier for you to get a full night of rest. Your muscles also use the time you spend sleeping to repair themselves by emitting growth hormone-releasing hormones. You’ll wake up not only well rested, but stronger too. Lifting weights reduces stress by releasing endorphins, which are mood-boosting chemicals in your brain. These chemicals regulate your mood and induce euphoria. (Hence the term: look good, feel good!)

Lifting weights helps you excel in other areas.

By lifting weights regularly, your whole body becomes stronger. This effect will transfer over in other activities, such as running, playing basketball, or swimming. Stronger muscles will allow you to perform better, and that’s a fact.

So grab those dumbbells and reap the benefits. You can thank me later.

Until next time,

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