Friday, July 27, 2018

10 Quotes to Motivate You to Reach Your Goals

Feeling down or discouraged? It happens to everyone. When I am going through a tough time, I like to read up on motivational quotes to inspire me. It helps me get back into a positive mindset, and set new goals for myself to continue on my fitness journey and everyday life.

Keep reading for 10 amazing quotes to motivate you to keep going on your journey.

"You did not wake up today to be mediocre."
"Work hard in s i l e n c e, let your success be your noise."

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal." 

"Pressure can either burst pipes or ↠ create diamonds ↞"

"Great things never came from comfort zones."

"Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be."

"Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow."

"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."

Hopefully this helps inspire you when you need it the most.

Until next time,

15 Tips for a Better You

So many tips, so little time! In this world of health and wellness, the suggestions on what to do and how to do it are overwhelming. I've compiled a list of my favorites, which include some health, fitness, and overall lifestyle tips. If you are interested, keep reading for 15 tips for a better you.

  1. Don't snooze your alarm. Get up when you wake up. 
  2. Make your bed every morning. Studies show individuals who make their bed every day lead more productive lives than those who don't. 
  3. Limit your liquid calories. They add up! 
  4. Drink more water. (Divide your body weight in half for the number of ounces you should consume each day.)
  5. Limit your refined sugar intake. (Think: prepackaged snacks, sugary coffees, cookies, cake.)
  6. Strength train approximately 3x per week. 
  7. Incorporate compound moves into your workouts to burn more calories. (Example: squat + overhead press.) 
  8. To prevent shin splints when running on a treadmill, raise the incline 1-2%.
  9. Be sure to stretch after your workouts to prevent injuries. If you are short on time, stretch in bed before you go to sleep. 
  10. Set short term, attainable goals to prevent discouragement. 
  11. Meditate for five minutes a day. Try this app if you are a beginner.
  12.  Don't cut whole food groups out, it is extremely hard to maintain. Instead, try limiting your portions.
  13. Don't obsess over the number on the scale. Instead, focus on how you look and feel. 
  14. Be sure to include protein in your post-workout meal. It promotes muscle growth. 
  15. Treat yourself. If you're craving a cookie, eat a cookie! Restricting yourself too much can lead to overindulging later on. 
Hopefully you learned from at least one, or all, of these tips. Small changes in your daily routine can produce substantial outcomes. Try to incorporate one or two of these tips into your day, and work your way up! 

Until next time,

Best Fitness Classes that are Worth the Money

Boutique fitness classes have been popping up everywhere, and while I want to try them all, I would also like to maintain my savings account balance. Some classes can be super expensive, but luckily many studios offer a deal for first-time customers. I've complied a list of my favorite fitness classes to help narrow down the pick, and let you know which classes are worth the money.

  • EverybodyFights: Hailed as the "king of boxing gyms", EverybodyFights offer the "ultimate workout for the everyday fighter." This studio offers beginner and advanced level boxing classes, and an awesome full body HIIT class that I've done numerous times. The classes are dynamic and fun, and always leave me drenched in sweat! Also, when you buy your first class, the second one is free!
  • SoulCycle: SoulCycle is an indoor cycling class that features high-intensity cardio, strength training, and rhythm-based choreography. While the class is definitely challenging physically, it also promotes a mind-body connection further than a traditional workout. The instructors are trained to coach, push, and lead riders to success, both mentally and physically. Make sure you strap on your spin shoes and book a bike ASAP!
  • Tone House: This workout class is not for the faint of heart. Their warm up consists of sprints, burpees, and bear crawls. Next, is a series of partner strength training exercises, that quite frankly push you to your limit. This class is by far the hardest of the list, but the most rewarding. The team environment motivates and ensures that you don't give up, no matter how tough it gets. 
I kept this list short and sweet since these are the classes I have spent money on before, and truly felt that it was worth the cost. Group fitness classes are a great way to switch up your normal workout routine, and can give you ideas to spice up your usual workouts! 

Until next time,

Metabolic Benefits of HIIT Workouts

If you don't know what high-intensity interval training (or HIIT) is, then you are seriously missing out on one of the most efficient and effective workouts. HIIT is a form of interval training that alternates short periods of intense exercise with less intense recovery periods. (Think 30 seconds of sprinting and 45 seconds of walking, repeating the process for 20 minutes.) This workout can be done anywhere and requires no equipment.

The benefits of HIIT are endless, but one I really love is that it increases your metabolism. I was reading about this on Wikipedia, but I felt like the article left out a few key points. The paragraph about the metabolic benefits read as such:

HIIT significantly lowers insulin resistance compared to continuous training or control conditions and leads to modestly decreased fasting blood glucose levels and increased weight loss compared to those who do not undergo a physical activity intervention.[28] Another study found that HIIT was more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training at fasting insulin levels (31% decrease and 9% decrease, respectively).[29]

Now while I think this paragraph gives access to great studies about HIIT and metabolism, I think that it was missing the main point, which is explaining why HIIT is so great for your metabolism! I took it upon myself to edit this article in Wikipedia to include more information, which you can read below.

When you increase your metabolism, you increase the process in which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Your RMR, or resting metabolic rate, is the level your metabolism burns calories while not exercising. HIIT provides an afterburn effect to your body. The afterburn effect is an increased state of metabolic efficiency that can be achieved as a result of intense exercise. Not only will you burn calories during your HIIT workout, but you will maintain a higher level of caloric burn for the rest of your day. In addition to the increased RMR, HIIT workouts increase production of the human growth hormone (HGH) during the 24 hours after your workout as well. This hormone also aids in increased metabolism.

If you are interesting in HIIT workouts and want to learn more, you can always go to the Wikipedia page and read their article here. There are tons of free HIIT workouts online, and the benefits are seriously awesome.

Make sure you get your HIIT in today and your metabolism will thank you!

Until next time,


This week I got the chance to interview a personal trainer, Nick Marasco. He was able to provide amazing insight into the fitness world.  ...