Friday, July 27, 2018

10 Quotes to Motivate You to Reach Your Goals

Feeling down or discouraged? It happens to everyone. When I am going through a tough time, I like to read up on motivational quotes to inspire me. It helps me get back into a positive mindset, and set new goals for myself to continue on my fitness journey and everyday life.

Keep reading for 10 amazing quotes to motivate you to keep going on your journey.

"You did not wake up today to be mediocre."
"Work hard in s i l e n c e, let your success be your noise."

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal." 

"Pressure can either burst pipes or ↠ create diamonds ↞"

"Great things never came from comfort zones."

"Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be."

"Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow."

"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."

Hopefully this helps inspire you when you need it the most.

Until next time,

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This week I got the chance to interview a personal trainer, Nick Marasco. He was able to provide amazing insight into the fitness world.  ...